Baltic Diving Solutions continues its research of the bussiness opportunities in the Asian markets. Earlier this year we have exhibiting in #SeaJapan in Tokyo and now we had honor to be a part of a trade mission to Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam to participate in the bussiness mixer organized by Port Gdańsk and made possible through efforts of Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza S.A. And Pomorski Broker Eksportowy
Two days of the conference and B2B meetings hopefully will contribute to the development of Polish Expot activities. Special thanks to the participants of a trade mission:
Agencja Rozwoju Pomorza
Port of Gdansk
Baltic Hub
AQUAPROJEKT s.c. Biuro Inżynierii Wodnej, Środowiska i Melioracji
Sunreef Yachts
Offshore Pro Solution
Baltic Diving Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Polish Offshore Wind Industry Chamber (PIMEW)
Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH)
And Polish Embassy in Vietnam with Ambassador Joanna Skoczek
Vibrant place, enthusiastic atmosphere and lot of trades skills are giving the guaranteed success to projects in South East Asian projects for the Polish and Vietnameese companies.


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